Budget Poll

One of the most important things the legislature does is create a balanced budget, and we take this responsibility very seriously. There are several mechanisms in statute that makes sure we will never have to shut down state government because of a budget failure. Our rainy day funds are full, and we have a budget surplus this year. I would like your input on what you think the legislature should do with your money. 

Click on this link or copy and paste the following in your browser:  https://forms.gle/xBdgDu5BqW9Pijy67

Keeping Our Students Safe

Every child deserves to feel safe in their classrooms. Over the last year, schools across Utah have received an increase in hoax threats against students. These hoaxes have an enormous cost, both monetarily and mentally on our students, teachers, and first responders. The perpetrators of these crimes must be held accountable. This week, the House passed H.B. 14 School Threat Penalty Amendments to do just that. This bill increases criminal penalties for those who make threats against our students and schools, creating a needed additional deterrent. 


This is a list of my bills that are completely drafted and numbered. That is not to say they won’t change as I continue to work with stakeholders. I already have different language for several of them. I will talk more about them as they move through the system. The links will take you directly to the bill if you want to know more.

HB0130 Animal Fighting Penalties
HB0139 Mental Health Treatment Study
HB0149 Earned Income Tax Credit Amendments
HB0166 Restricted Persons Amendments
HB0197 Requirements for Supported Decision-making Agreements
HB0224 Medical Surgery Amendments
HB0228 Public Employee Leave Amendments
HB0259 Juvenile Interrogation Modifications
HB0321 Eviction Records Amendment


Facebook Fridays!

Every Friday I discuss the week’s highlights and talk more in-depth about exciting issues! I’d love to have you join! Unfortunately, I’m not sure when I will have time during each Friday to do the Live video–it is usually in the afternoon or early evening–but you can always watch them later on my page. (I missed it last week so I will try to get in two this week–maybe a Facebook Monday and Friday.)

Click here for my page: https://www.facebook.com/marshajudkinsUT61/

How to Join Meetings, Participate in Public Comments, and Join on Zoom!

1. Go to https://le.utah.gov
2. Click Committees
3. Select the Committee you are interested in
4. This page gives information on where and when the meeting is. 
5. Click the Electronic Participation Available “?” to join the live Zoom (public comment is available online or in person as long as the form is completed before 7:00 am the day of the committee ) 

Every legislative committee meeting and Floor time can be accessed live or watched/listened to later. 

Bills Passed by the House

This is a list of bills that passed in the House this week. They still have to get through the Senate (except for SJR 1) Just a heads up: many will be amended or subbed as they move through the process, so what you read now might not be the final language.
H.B. 10 Public Fund Amendments

H.B. 12 Tax Incentive Revisions

H.B. 14 School Threat Penalty Amendments

H.B. 16 Sexual Offenses Amendments

H.B. 17 Sales and Use Tax Revisions

H.B. 19 Higher Education Financial Aid Amendments

H.B. 22 Concurrent Enrollment Revisions

H.B. 23 Division of Outdoor Recreation Advisory Council Sunset Extension

H.B. 24 Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act Amendments

H.B. 25 Electronic Notarization Amendments

H.B. 32 Short-term Rental Modifications

H.B. 33 Cigarette and Tobacco Tax and Licensing Act Amendments

H.B. 34 Tax Refund Claim Amendments

H.B. 37 Joint Tenancy Presumption Amendments

H.B. 39 Massage Therapy Practice Act Amendments

H.B. 42 Water Rights Publication Amendments

H.B. 45 Safeut and School Safety Commission Amendments

H.B. 54 Coal Miner Certification Panel Amendments

H.B. 46 Veterans and Military Affairs Commission Amendments

H.B. 47 Utah Seismic Safety Commission Amendments

H.B. 50 State Highway Designation Amendments

H.B. 53 Multi County Appraisal Trust Amendments

H.B. 54 Coal Miner Certification Panel Amendments

H.B. 60 Phased Retirement Extension

H.B. 64 State Construction and Fire Codes Amendments

H.B. 66 Property Tax Relief Amendments

H.B. 67 First Responder Mental Health Services Grant Program Amendments

H.B. 88 Landowner Liability Amendments

S.J.R. 1 Joint Resolution Reappointing John Q. Cannon as Director of the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

H.B. 257 Sex-based Designations for Privacy, Anti-bullying, and Women’s Opportunities

H.B. 167 Education Innovation Program Amendments

S.B. 89 Social Media Modifications

H.B. 261 Equal Opportunity Initiatives

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