What an exciting week in the Legislature! I am so impressed by everyone who is providing input and staying engaged despite challenging circumstances. There are many resources to help you stay involved this session. If you’d like to watch live broadcasts of the House and Senate floor, visit the Legislature’s Reading Calendar <https://le.utah.gov/FloorCalendars/>. To access committee hearings’ live audio broadcasts, follow this guide <https://le.utah.gov/Documents/VirtualMeetingInstructionsV4.pdf> from the Legislature. |
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SURVEY RESULTS Thank you to everybody who took the survey the past few weeks! Your responses give me insight into what issues are important to you and how to best represent District 61 during the session. Here are some results that I found interesting. Out of the respondents, these are the types of media used as a primary news source. Podcasts were the most popular choice for those who responded “Other”. |
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I appreciate everybody who listed their priorities for Utah. Among the responses, here’s a word bubble showing the most common topics mentioned. I share these priorities and am confident that we can continue to work toward solutions this session. |
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IN THE LEGISLATURE This week was base budget week, where the Legislature determines the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. S.B.1 was passed and provides the most funding for public education in state history. This week the House Health and Human Services Committee approved my bill, HB 167 – HIV Testing Amendments. Under the law, victims of sexual assault can request that their alleged offender get tested for HIV. This information must be available to victims, so they know if they have been exposed. This bill increases the number of facilities authorized to process these tests, increasing accessibility for victims in rural areas of the state. I recommend the Salt Lake Tribune’s “Utah Politics Podcast” <https://www.sltrib.com/podcasts/utah_politics/> for timely and informative updates on the Legislature. |
TUNE IN TO FACEBOOK FRIDAYS We will be hosting Facebook Fridays weekly! Join me if you’d like to know what I’ve been working on each week or if you have any questions. Last week’s broadcast is posted on my Facebook page in case you missed it. WEEKLY TOWN HALL I enjoyed connecting with those who participated in last week’s town hall. I’d love to hear from you today at noon. You can access the meeting through this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84761987882. |